Sunday, February 1, 2009

Best bipartisan buddies: Sarah Palin and Barack Obama

Sarah Palin
Barrack Obama

Los Angeles Times, CA
January 30 2009

While most everyone was watching the attempted bipartisanship on Capitol Hill this week, some of it broke out successfully in an unlikely place elsewhere.

It seems that Alaska Republican Gov. Sarah Palin, the unsuccessful GOP VP nominee, was worried that the Army was going to cut off pensions to the state's old-timers long-retired from the Alaska Territorial Guard. So she sat down and wrote a letter to the new big guy himself, DemocratPart of a photo layout in Vogue magazine on Alaska Republican Governor Sarah Palin from 2008ic President Barack Obama, who's vowed to take extra special care of veterans.

And the largest state's small congressional delegation got involved too.

And, what do you know? According to the ever-vigiliant Sarah Palin for President blog, the Army suddenly decided it didn't really need to cut off those payments after all

It found a special fund to pay them, while Sens. Lisa Murkowski, a Republican, and Mark Begich, a Democrat, together shepherd the proper authorizing legislation through Congress.

Amazing when it works.

And speaking of Sarah and Barack, this weekend they're both attending the off-the-record black tie dinner of the Alfalfa Club, one of those fraternity-like get-togethers that Washingtonians schedule throughout the year to convince themselves of their eliteness. Palin, who as The Ticket reported, formed her own SarahPAC this week, says she's attending to pitch the interests of Alaska.


According to Paul Bedard over at Washington Whispers, Palin's presence in D.C. has sparked an interview bidding war between CNN's Larry King, who's had seven wives and almost as many heart attacks, and ABC's George Stephanopoulos, who hasn't.

--Andrew Malcolm

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Photo credit: Vogue

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